Freedom Leisure, Rye Sports Centre
Facilities include gym, studio classes, 25m pool, sports hall, squash court and 3G pitch
Mobility and/or building
- Wheel Chair Accessible venue
- Wheel Chair Accessible Entrance
- Wheelchair Accessible Lift
- Wheelchair Loan
Automatic entry doors
There is a lift
Poolside ramp and wheel chair available
Step free changing rooms
Our main 25m pool has a gentle sloping entry with hand rail
Disabled Parking & Drop-off
- Blue Badge
- Designated Disabled Parking
- Drop-off Area
- Accessible Toilets
- Grab/Drop Down Rails
- Accessible Changing Room With Seat / Rails
Find the nearest Changing Places toilet
- Wheelchair Access to Outdoor Areas
Hearing Assistance
- Hearing loop
Blind/Visually Impaired
- Handrails
Large print leaflets available on request
Guide Dogs
- Guide Dogs Welcome
The Unexpected
- There can be sudden loud noise
Background music and occasional tannoy
Midday is often quieter
If emergency alarm is sounded
Offers & Events
The Grove
Rye, TN31 7ND
This page was last updated on 04 Mar 2025